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Acoustic identification and classification of four dolphin species in the Brazilian marine area affected by the largest tailings dam failure disastergmiranda2022-12-10T14:08:13+00:00
Example of applying a Health, Safety and Environment management system in cetacean research: Case study from a satellite tagging field accident.gmiranda2022-12-10T15:05:09+00:00
Assessing bias in aerial surveys for cetaceans: Results from experiments conducted with the franciscana dolphingmiranda2022-12-10T15:00:08+00:00
Individual and joint estimation of humpback whale migratory patterns and their environmental drivers in the Southwest Atlantic Oceangmiranda2022-12-10T14:34:13+00:00
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) distribution and movements in the vicinity of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Marine Protected Areagmiranda2022-12-10T14:51:08+00:00
Are dolphins modulating whistles in interspecific group contexts?gmiranda2022-12-10T14:24:29+00:00
Delving deep into unheard waters: new types of low frequency pulsed sounds described for the boto (Inia geoffrensis)gmiranda2022-12-27T13:29:02+00:00
The biosonar of the boto: evidence of differences among species of river dolphins ( Inia spp.) from the Amazongmiranda2022-12-10T14:18:06+00:00
Intraspecific variation in short-beaked common dolphin’s whistle repertoiregmiranda2022-12-27T13:34:13+00:00
Multi-Decadal Humpback Whale Migratory Route Fidelity Despite Oceanographic and Geomagnetic Changegmiranda2022-12-10T15:16:48+00:00
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